About Us

In the age of information overload, outdated ideas lead to wasted time and missed opportunities. Random A/B testing and misguided optimization tactics merely poke holes in a leaky funnel. Real transformation requires aligning your website experience with how your customers' brains actually process information.

The brain seeks relevance, value and clarity - not noise. That is why we leverage neuroscience and behavioral economics research to understand decision motivations at their core. The brain rewards experiences that make desired actions intuitive and frictionless.

Amateur efforts chase vanity metrics like click-through rates. Savvy marketers know clicks mean nothing without conversions. True optimization maps each page to the ideal buyer journey. It removes distractions and reduces anxiety through carefully sequenced messaging.

Don't rely on guesses and generic best practices. Let proven methodology guide your vision. Our scientific approach replaces hunches with certainty. We decode the context behind each decision point, then translate insights into higher conversions.

Now is the time to abandon antiquated notions of website optimization. See your funnel as a roadmap to motivate action based on customer psychology. Work smarter and boost revenue by aligning user experience with the drivers of human behavior. Join us to turn complex problems into growth opportunities. The future favors the bold.

Our Core Values

We are customer-obsessed

We see through the lens of customer psychology and need. Their success is our success.

We are scientifically rigorous

We ground decisions in data, research and statistically significant testing.

We are creative problem solvers

We approach challenges with curiosity, insight and fresh perspectives.

We deliver transformational results

We aim to multiply, not incrementally improve (expect for enterprise - nature of enterprises forces incremental growth). Good enough is never enough.

We are strategic visionaries

We focus on long-term goals and growth opportunities, not short-term wins.

We value transparency and integrity

We build trust through honest communication and ethical practices.

We embrace bold thinking

We question assumptions and take smart risks to drive breakthroughs.

We champion continuous learning

Everyone is a student. Curiosity and intellectual humility move us forward.

We foster lasting partnerships

Our clients’ needs come first. We succeed together through collaboration.

We make work enjoyable

We believe achievement and fun go hand-in-hand. We support and motivate each other.

Meet Our Founder: Gerry Sandhu

Gerry started his career in the Wild West days of conversion "best practices." But he saw holes in the conventional wisdom. Why did they work sometimes but not others? There had to be something more to unlocking high-performance optimization.

He knew fads and assumptions couldn't drive dramatic results - but science could. So Gerry embarked on a relentless pursuit to decode the psychology underpinning our decisions.

He began collaborating with leading neuroscientists and behavioral economists. He amassed mountains of research on cognitive biases, information processing, motivation theory and more.

Slowly, Gerry pieced together a framework revealing exactly how customers intuitively assess information and make choices online. It was like uncovering conversion's "source code" rooted in the customer's brain.

Armed with these psychological insights, Gerry developed a methodology for aligning each page with the customer's mental model. It directs attention, builds trust and triggers emotions favoring action.

Gerry didn't stop at ideas. He spent years rigorously testing and optimizing his brain-aligned framework in the real world. The results revolutionized conversion for our clients.

Today, we carry on Gerry's mission of melding science and relentless testing to drive innovation. Our "Neuro Experience Optimization (NXO)" approach unlocks transforms growth by optimizing for the customer's decision journey.

So when you work with us, you gain a framework for how you approach conversion optimization that you can use across sales and marketing channels.